
zk is a command-line tool for working with Zettelkasten projects. It focuses on being easy for automation and is generic in the sense that it does not lock in to only supporting a certain note taking tool, which makes it useful for Obsidian, Neuron, and Emanote notes collections.

Configuring repo

Inside your notes root folder (such as your repository root if you’re using Git), run the zk init command:

zk init --no-input

Edit your newly created config file at .zk/config.toml and change it to the following:

# .zk/config.toml

default-title = "untitled"
filename = "{{title}}"
extension = "md"
template = "default.md"

# If using https://github.com/srid/emanote-template then you can set the
# following to ignore everything except what's inside the "content" dir,
# such as the root README.md file:
#ignore = [
#	"!content/"


# zk has a "wiki" link mode, but it includes the full paths.
# Emanote only needs the filename.
link-format = "[[{{filename}}]]"

# Each diagnostic can have for value: none, hint, info, warning, error

# Report titles of wiki-links as hints.
wiki-title = "hint"
# Warn for dead links between notes.
dead-link = "error"

There are a lot more configs available. Above only focuses on the minimal for configs related to Emanote integration. Full documentation of the zk config file: https://github.com/mickael-menu/zk/blob/main/docs/config.md

Such as the editor and FZF settings:


# Default editor used to open notes. When not set, the EDITOR or VISUAL
# environment variables are used.
editor = "code --wait"
#editor = "nvim"

# Syntax highlighting when in commands such as "zk edit -i"
fzf-preview = "bat -p --color always {-1}"

Editor integration

zk provides a LSP (Language Server Protocol) server to allow auto-completion when writing [[wiki links]] and #tags.

Available plugins:

If you’re already using an editor plugin such as coc.nvim, or otherwise have a different editor that already supports LSP (such as SublimeText) then checkout zk’s Editor LSP configurations