
In the default template, the sidebar is rendered on the left side. The sidebar tree is determined from folgezettel heterarchy.

  • The sidebar tree is collapsed by default. But this can be disabled by setting template.sidebar.collapsed to false in YAML configuration
  • The ordering of children in the tree is determined in the following order (this is also the order in which Obsidian-style queries results are rendered by default):
    • if template.sidebar.folders-first is set to true (default false), directories (see Folder notes) are put before single notes, respecting the other order criteria. Otherwise, directories and notes will be interleaved.
    • If the order frontmatter metadata exists, use that as the primary sort key.
    • If the note has a H1 title, use that as the secondary sort key; otherwise, use the note filename as the secondary sort key.

Customizing page title

The sidebar will use a page’s title by default, but you can override the sidebar item text by setting the short-title frontmatter property.

short-title: hello

# Hello World

Foo bar ...

This page will use “Hello World” as its title in the main view, but “hello” in the sidebar and index pages. For real-world example, see the page “Pandoc Lua Filters”.

Disabling the sidebar

In YAML configuration,

    enable: false

Links to this page