
Vim, and its very popular fork Neovim, are modal text editors for editing plain text files. You can use it to edit Markdown files.

NOTE: If you are looking to write a Vim extension for Emanote, see JSON export.

Known issue: glitches when saving file

Vim editors has a feature that clashes with Emanote and can cause slight glitchy hickups when saving a file, while producing logs such as:

[Info#emanote] [15:52:41] Re-registering file: ./docs/4913 R[/4913]
[Info#emanote] [15:52:41] Removing note:
[Info#emanote] [15:52:41] Reading file: ./docs/
[Info#emanote] [15:52:47] Re-registering file: ./docs/4913 R[/4913]
[Info#emanote] [15:52:47] Removing note:
[Info#emanote] [15:52:47] Reading file: ./docs/
[Info#emanote] [15:52:50] Re-registering file: ./docs/4913 R[/4913]
[Info#emanote] [15:52:50] Removing note:
[Info#emanote] [15:52:50] Reading file: ./docs/

Compared to the much slimmer logs from when using for example Visual Studio Code:

[Info#emanote] [15:54:39] Reading file: ./docs/
[Info#emanote] [15:54:41] Reading file: ./docs/
[Info#emanote] [15:54:43] Reading file: ./docs/

Temporary workaround (no longer applies after restarting Vim):

:set backupcopy=yes

Permanent workaround by adding this to your (Neo)vim config file, e.g ~/.vimrc for Vim or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for Neovim (see :help vimrc for more info):

" Must be added AFTER `set nocompatible`, if any, as `set nocompatible`
" resets the `backupcopy` setting.
set backupcopy=yes

Background: Vim has this great feature called “backup copies” that ensure that your text isn’t lost in the case of a faulty write/save operation. To achieve this it uses some additional files, usually one with a 4-digit long integer and one with the same name but with a tilde at the end (e.g vs, that it does this little dance with these files before discarding them when the write/save operation succeeds.

For more info about this feature, see :help backup, :help backupcopy, and :help writebackup.

This also affects good ’ol vi.

Reference discussion:

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