Using on Windows

To work with Markdown notes using Emanote on Windows, follow these steps.

  • Setup Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)
  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • (Optional) Run Syncthing from WSL

Setup WSL2

  • Follow these instructions to install WSL2 as well as Ubuntu.
  • Install Emanote in Ubuntu. 1
  • Run git clone to make a local copy of emanote-template in your Ubuntu instance
  • Run emanote inside the emanote-template directory, and make sure you that you can access the webpage in Windows.
  • Press Ctrl+C to exit Emanote.

Install Visual Studio Code

  • Install Visual Studio Code natively on Windows (not WSL).
  • Open VSCode and install the Remote Development extension
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P and select Remote-WSL: Open folder in WSL
  • Open the aforementioned emanote-template local copy
  • Press Ctrl+Backtick to open Ubuntu Terminal inside VSCode, and in the terminal run emanote.
  • Access the URL it shows, and make sure that you can view the notebook in your native Windows browser.
  • Finally, open a Markdown file and make a change to it, while making sure the the web browser updates in real-time.


See Synchronizing notes using Syncthing

This step is optional. For best experience with Emanote, we expect your notebook to live inside WSL (not Windows), due to a WSL limitation. Therefore, if you want to synchronize your files using Syncthing, you should install it on WSL Ubuntu, and not natively on Windows.

If you are on Ubuntu (WSL), simply go to and install Syncthing. Then run syncthing to run the syncthing server. You might have to change the IP address (from to in ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml in order to expose the service to Windows, in case WSL doesn’t automatically forward it; or, if it does reliably forward it, you might want to change the port number so that it doesn’t conflict with native Windows’ Syncthing if you have that running as well.

You can use Task Scheduler to automatically launch WSL Syncthing on Windows logon. Create a Basic tasks that is triggered on user log on, with the action being to start a program C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe with arguments -d Ubuntu -u <yourusername> syncthing.

You might find the new Windows Terminal pleasant to work with.
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