External links

A link whose address begins with an URI scheme component is considered an external link.


Emanote displays an icon next to an external hyperlink if its description contains some text, including inline code and math formulas. 1 The heuristic is intended to make the site look good in most cases.

Overriding the heuristic

This behaviour can be overriden by setting the value of the data-linkicon data attribute of a link:

Attribute to useDescription
{data-linkicon=external}Force displaying the icon next to the link
{data-linkicon=none} or {data-linkicon=""}Prevent displaying the icon next to the link

Note that the attribute can also be used to display the icons in the HTML templates (like the footer or the sidebar) or in raw HTML of Markdown ✍️.

URL properties

The displayed icon may depend on the link properties (e.g. the actual URI scheme). This is customized using CSS. By default, Emanote displays a different icon if the URI scheme component is mailto:. Check the https://github.com/srid/emanote/tree/master/emanote/default/templates/base.tpl of HTML template for details.


A common non-example is a hyperlink containing only an image in the description.